Участники волонтерской экспедиции. Пьер Монж

Travelling has always been an important part in my life and I often accepted job opportunities in different places so to make it easier. I lived in the US, Central Asia, Papua New Guinea and travelled for a year in India, Nepal and South America. Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands were 2 unreal destinations for me so when I saw the announcement it was not difficult to make this decision. I wont lie by saying that I have a very tiny experience in Volunteer work but be positive that I will contribute as much as I can.

I was often asked for the reasons that were pushing me to travel this way. Appropriate answers were difficult to give as I considere that a trip is to be lived, its a total state of mind, however, If I had to give a short answer I would say that travelling is a chance to experience our own freedom, being acquainted with the unknown and interact with it. The kuril Islands are just a perfect exemple of it, this experience has pretty much all the ingredients of life. Think about it: 7 people about to dedicate themselves for the same ecological program and purpose at the end of the world surrounded by the beauty of nature. Exciting, mysterious, stimulating, challenging, it is a beautiful communion and even though I have no idea what to expect from it I am already aware that this experience will be printed in me for a long time.